6/1-6/2 2024 TAI身體劇場《橋下那個跳舞》 Dancing under the Bridge

2024 TAI身體劇場《橋下那個跳舞》








Dancing under the Bridge tells the story of indigenous people who moved out of their community homes and to urban areas. Against the backdrop of societal and political changes, it is now increasingly hard for communities to be financially self-sufficient. Hence, many of their members move to cities in batches in order to make a living. Some of them work on construction sites, and some in factories; they live on the periphery of metropolises, seeking a place for themselves. Indigenous people not only wander from city to city, but also travel back and forth between their homeland and the cities.


©Lin Chihyu



2024/06/01 (六) 19:00

2024/06/02 (日) 19:00



花蓮文化創意產業園區 第9棟






藝術總監暨編舞家├ 瓦旦·督喜 Watan·Tusi

共同創作├ 朱克遠 lsing Suaiyung

演出者├ 李偉雄 Piya Talaliman、奧萊・吉芙菈芙斯 Qaulai Tjivuljavus、巴鵬瑋 lrimilrimi Kupangasane、林源祥 Ansyang.Makakazuwan、馬金隆

特邀演出├ 余士杰 Bukun.Palalavi

燈光設計├ 王宥珺

執行製作├ 林之淯、楊安琪 apu’u yakumangana

指導單位├ 花蓮縣政府、國藝會

主辦單位├ 花蓮縣文化局

演出單位├ TAI身體劇場
